Thursday, 3 May 2012

Ovulation Frustration!

I told you guys this would be my place to over share. If that's not your thing, skip this post! Please!

I've been trying to figure out when I ovulate. So maybe in a few months, it will be easier to get pregnant.

I took my last pill in March and had a period that was 6 days long. On the 9th day of my cycle, I felt cramps on my right side and sort of knew I was ovulating. I also gained 2 pounds over night and had some major cervical mucus. I remember this feeling from high school. Do any of you know when you're ovulating just by knowing your body? I think I can totally tell. Anyways, that cycle was 30 days long.

 Then, in April I got my period again. This was my first period after stopping the birth control and I had cramps for 2 weeks before my period and then an 8 day long period. Horrible. This makes me really miss the pill.

So currently for this month, after the 8 day period, I started doing ovulation tests to see when I was ovulating.  I bought the Equate brand from the store and used a test each morning for 6 days. It said to start testing on day 10. If you see two lines, you know you're ovulating or will be within 2 days. So Saturday, I took the first test and there was nothing. I took two more. Still nothing. The third test I took showed no lines. Great! So I guess it was faulty.  And the last two have had only one line. But, I had the same little cramps on the left side and more cervical mucus. So, I'm not sure if the tests just aren't working. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong.

The exciting news:  We have planned a baby making vacation! I think I ovulate at the beginning of the month. So, we are planning on taking a trip for our 3rd wedding anniversary at the beginning of August and start trying to make babies! I can't wait!

Here's the main question I have for you guys: Can you tell when you ovulate??


  1. Some months yes and others no.... I got off the pill in December and Jan (28 days), Feb (29 days), March (27 days) and April (35 days). The first two months were the easiest to tell due to ovulation testing and other signs... The last 2 months I haven't been able to tell... We aren't quite trying yet, but wanted to get off the pill for several reasons. Good luck!

    1. I see. The first month I could really tell. This month, not so much. Good luck to you!

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  3. I actually just figured out when I ovulated this month! It was so frustrating at first...I guess I didn't really catch it on time last month, but this month was a success! I actually started out with using the Equate brand as well, and I never got any positives, and I got one that didn't really even work (no lines, but the entire window was pink!)...I ran out of those so then I picked up a different brand (Answer brand) and the first one worked great, bright lines, easy to read and a positive. Again, not sure if the Equate ones were faulty or not...but from now on I think I'm sticking with the Answer ones. :) I also used just the ovulation calculator online, and it was a few days off of when I actually ovulated. As far as knowing when I ovulate...I can't really "feel" anything but my OB suggested the OPK's are the way to go, so I'll probably stick with those. Hopefully it won't take long. ;)

    1. haha! sounds like mine. I had one with no lines at all. I will have to try the Answer brand next time. Maybe they're more reliable! I hope you get to switch to the pregnancy tests soon! : )

  4. I have been starting to pay attention to this more as well (we're going to start trying in August too) :) I never feel anything different or weird though... I'll definitely have to test. We're not going to chart or anything like that until "pulling the goalie" and having fun with it for at least 3 months first :) I've read that you should just have sex every other day while you're trying :) That's what we're going to do. I just ordered some books on Amazon and I can't wait for them to get here!!! Yay!!!

    1. We should do an August countdown together then! haha What books did you order?

  5. Ahhh...yes. The ovulation test sticks. My advice is to keep using them...maybe start a little later than day 10 so you don't run out. You might be ovulating later than you think since it's so hard to really exactly tell for some people just by the "physical" signs. They definitely worked for me when I conceived my oldest; and to my surprise, I was ovulating a lot later than the "normal" (day 14 or so) around day 20. I hope you have a GREAT vacation!!! :)

    1. I think you're right. I almost ran out. I'm glad to hear they worked for you!

  6. I haven't started charting. I think I might do that next cycle. I'll let you know if I have any questions. Good luck to you too!

  7. I chart too and do ovulation tests. Charting really does help. Also, I get my ovulation sticks from amazon. They are wondfo brand and you get 100 of them for super cheap and it comes with 20 pregnancy tests too, that way you can pee on lots of sticks : )

  8. wow! that's a lot. As often as I want to use them, this might be a good idea!

  9. Tracking your menstrual cycle can help with fertility. To give you the best chance of getting pregnant, our ovulation calculator tells you when you are most likely to be fertile.

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  11. Ovulation Calculator. We need some information. ... Is it a boy or a girl? Tell our tool the month you concieved and how old you are and find out!

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  14. The ovulation calculation may be use they're a calculated thing, however if ttc,, my suggestion is to have sex every other day, because like periods,, ovulation can be irregular, so you may put all your energy into trying on your days, however your days may not be when you think they are! Check out:

  15. The female reproductive system refers to all the female organs that enable a woman to conceive, nurture and deliver a baby.Fertile windows are different for every woman and can be different from month to month in the same woman
    To calculate your fertile window, you need to determine what day you ovulate. To do this, you need to know the length of your menstrual cycle.

    Use our ovulation calculator
    to Determine your most fertile days and increase your chance of conceiving.
