Wednesday, 16 October 2013

I guess we're starting IUI

After having all of our fertility testing finally complete, it looks like everything is normal except low morphology. My husband's numbers were all border line normal except count which was high and morphology was 2% the first time and 5% the second time. Our urologist and ob decided we should do IUI. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I'm excited to finally be doing something. I mean I've been trying to get knocked up for almost 16 months now.  I'm sad we couldn't get pregnant on our own. I feel like we failed, and all our hard work and tears were for nothing. I'm nervous about spending the money. I'm nervous because I feel like my husband isn't on board yet. He still thinks we should just keep trying and wait a while. But he did agree to going through with it in November. I'll start clomid around November 22nd I think, and go in for the IUI at the beginning of December. When I read online about the chances of success, it doesn't sound too hopeful. With low morphology, the odds are only about a 10-16% success rate. Yikes! I hope we will (finally) be one of the lucky ones and it will happen quickly. I'm also grateful for the chance that this could possibly work for us. Seriously holding my breath about the idea of twins... super exciting! Looks like I'll be posting more often once all of this is under way. : )


  1. I'm sorry you have to go through all of this, but I am excited for you that you have a plan. You will be in that percentage! Positive thinking lady!!! I can't wait to read all about it!

  2. Hey! Still following you over here in Colorado. :) I think the prospect of IUI sounds very exciting! Then all you have are solidly happy and healthy swimmers! Have you considered a bit of acupuncture before the procedure? Guess what? Our results came back. Low volume. 4% morphology. And me? I don't have as many eggs I should. Reproductive endo says we only have a 1% chance of conceiving a month... AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED TRYING. Wow. But here is the thing...all your preparation has not been for not- think how much healthier you are. All of the healthy changes you made for preparing to have a baby- that will make IUI or any other procedure all the more successful. You have not failed as a couple or as a woman. And you are by no means going through this alone. :: hugs ::

    1. I haven't really thought about acupuncture? I know I couldn't talk my husband into it, but I would be up for trying it! I'm sorry about your results... that's so discouraging. But, at least you know ahead of time. Imagine trying for a year or longer and then finding those things out. Do you know what you guys will do next? Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm ready to get started and see what happens : )

  3. Acupcunture is supposed to help with the success of IUI.
    We decided that we still aren't going to start trying until December, as planned. We want to make a baby out of love, not fear and anxiety. 48 hours after getting our test results, I found out that my insurance is taking away fertility treatments. Ugh. But we if start treatment in December- we get until the end of June to be covered. I want to talk to my doctor about starting a "treatment" to fall into that category and see what he says. At least that will give us an option to try an IUI or IVF in May or June if we'd like.

  4. Thinking about you! How are things going?

    1. thanks bridgett! you are so sweet. we are starting iui! crossing my fingers!
