Tuesday, 29 July 2014

IUI #3 cancelled

It was devastating. At my appointment, they said my IUI would be tomorrow. I texted my husband got it all scheduled and then the nurse says she wanted to check on one more thing. Before I knew it, the whole cycle was canceled. I had fluid in my uterus (a symptom of gonal f) and we were unable to proceed with the IUI. So, we paid 1500 dollars and left the office with no chance of anything working. I was really upset. I had spent that entire week doing injections that brought me to tears for no reason at all. not to mention the wasted money. So, we are going to give it one last shot. Hopefully, my IUI will be in three weeks if things go well. Then, it's on to IVF. our last shot. freaking out.


  1. I'm so sorry you are going through all of this :( That has to be so frustrating. I hope that everything goes well for your next one!! More happy thoughts and prayers your way!

  2. =\ I'm so sorry. I hope IUI#3 in a few weeks works out!!
