Sunday, 26 August 2012

On to month #2

Well, I didn't get pregnant this month. About a week before my period, I knew I wasn't pregnant. I could just tell. I knew my period was coming, but I didn't expect to feel so sad when it finally did. I'm not sure it helped that it was meet the teacher night at my school. I ran to the restroom right before they opened the doors and that's when I found out that August wasn't our month. I started tearing up and had to pull it together fast because my first graders were coming down the hall. I guess the good thing is it kept my mind off of it for a few hours.

I'm so glad to be back at work... mainly because it will keep my mind busy. I won't have time to think about ttc so much now. The only hard part is that two of my teacher friends found out they were pregnant a few days before my period came. : ( I hate feeling sad when I should be happy for them. I am happy for them, but I also feel jealous. I'm not used to this feeling of jealousy... so not my personality.

I was really emotional this week. Huge stresses at work have put me over the edge between team teaching this year, a new, first year teaching partner, new principal, dealing with the organization of having a switch class, and having 26 first graders on my roll... Let's just say I was overwhelmed. Then getting my period and being so emotional from my hormones. My husband has been so sweet. He kept reminding me that it doesn't matter when we get pregnant, the goal is a baby and it will happen eventually and be well worth the wait!

I'm doing much better this week and looking forward to trying again in a few weeks. I'm feeling a lot more laid back and really not counting days or worrying about it. I think the first month had too much anticipation. I'm trusting in God and his perfect timing.


  1. I remember the month before I got pregnant with Norah and my period came. I was at work too, I am a teacher too, and I had rushed to the washroom between classes and saw that we weren;t expecting. I remember that feeling so well and I hate that you are having to go through it.

    Thinking of you and praying for you too.

    1. you never get a second to yourself being a teacher! I was sad but I've accepted it now. I know it will all work out. Thank you for your sweet comment and your prayers : )

  2. I think the first month was one of the hardest months for me too. Thinking of you!

    1. Thanks Bridgett! Glad I'm not the only one. Hope everything is going okay with you!!! : )

  3. I'm sorry :( I was just thinking about you. I had a friend announce her pregnancy this week too. And then she private messaged me how she conceived the same month she stopped her IUD. I got my hair done today and the hair dresser told me..."It's so crazy, I have a 6 month old baby and we are 3 months pregnant...OOPS!" Matt is getting annoyed of me already. This is hard. It's nice knowing I'm not alone and I am glad to hear you are optimistic for this month. I hope you're having fun with your school kids :) If I didn't dance I would want to be a teacher, 1st graders are fun :) Good luck this month!!! I hope you get to relax.

    1. It seems like everyone else is either pregnant or has a baby... even though I know that's not true! I'm glad you're optimistic too. I'm really hoping this is your month. How awesome would that be?!? Thank you for your comment : )

  4. I caught your blog from another one that I follow and have been reading yours for awhile.... My husband and I have been trying for 20 months (wow...can't believe it's been that long!). For the first year and a half, I would go through phases where I would be obsessed about trying and then I would switch to an "I don't care when it happens" attitude. It's been really hard and I really hope you get pregnant soon! I know that God has a plan and that when we get pregnant it will be that much more special : )

    1. Oh Alissha, I can't even imagine how you do it. I hope it all works out for you soon. I'll keep you in my prayers. Thank you for reading and keep in touch ; )

  5. Being happy for someone else probably exceeds the waiting above and beyond on being the hardest part. I love what your hubs said...the goal is a baby not your own timing. I can remember reminding myself that a day is likenend to a thousand years in God's eyes. Only He knows the day and the hour. In the mean time just keep praying with confidence that He has all the details worked out, the hairs of his (or her) head have already been numbered, and ask for a ton of patience and to wipe away the tears of your disappointments. He definitely sees every one, and He will honor His promise. Love and ((BIG HUGS))!!!

  6. How are you doing? Is it time to test yet?!

  7. I'm okay! AF came this morning though ;( I tested throughout the week and BFN of course. Thanks for checking in! You're so sweet!
