Saturday, 15 November 2014

Day 3

We have 6 embryos that have good grades and good numbers. They are at 7-10 cells each. There are 4 more that are a little slower but still dividing at 4-5 cells each. So amazing and very grateful for these numbers! We go back on Monday at 3:00 for our transfer and then I'll be pregnant! Hopefully for about 9 more months :)


  1. Eeee! This is amazing. So incredible! Sending tons more happy thoughts and prayers your way! Grow grow grow sweet babies!!!

  2. What a great way to start the week! Catching up on blogs and yours is by far the one that brings me the most joy and hope for all things good. So excited for you!!

  3. 6!! such great news!! Here's to being PUPO!!!
